
69,000 Reasons to Celebrate the Genius of Another Man's Passion

I had one of the more interesting evenings of the year in Zagreb this week with a man who I met the first time the previous evening, and a man...

A Brewery Tour in the Town With No Beer - Welcome to the Switzerland of the Urals (1993)

The Swiss Tourist Board is missing a trick. Having been to Albania recently and hearing the country described as the 'Switzerland of the Balkans', I reflected on the reasons the...

Mushroom Picking, Naked Saunas and Vodka Exchange Rates: Life in the Russian Countryside (1992)

One of the major benefits of growing up in a Western city is the seemingly unlimited availability of everything, with a choice of food that is obscene. I fondly remember...

A Visit to the Gaza Strip on the Eve of The Gulf War in 2002

"Do you speak Hebrew?" "Shalom, and that’s about it." "This way please." I knew that this was going to be an ordeal, but I had expected to at least reach the check-in counter...

Rwanda Remembered 20 Years On

I met a girl from Gitarama, Rwanda at an expats drinks gathering the other night in Split, Croatia. I knew the anniversary was approaching, but I was not prepared for...

My First Online Bereavement: The Death of Suite101

I have never lost anyone close in my adult life. A fortunate thing in one sense, perhaps, but when the loss does come, it will make me all the less...

Holding an Umbrella for a Bear: The Making of a VIP Commercial in Croatia

(all photos copyright Romulic and Stojcic) Having worked on promoting tourism over the last few years, I have been very fortunate to meet some very interesting people and see some pretty...

Munich Revisited: A Walk in the January Holiday Sun

It is some 25 years since I started what can be loosely labelled a career in the wonderful city of Munich. A male chambermaid was the unlikely first job at...

Photo Blog: Vrboska in the Morning in Early January

The island of Hvar in Croatia. One of the world's most beautiful spots, and one of the country's prime tourist destinations. In the summer. Hvar in the winter is arguably even more...

How Not To Conduct A Live Television Interview in Russian

There's nothing quite like being stitched up live on television in a foreign language... 

Learning the Capital of Qatar the Hard Way (1998)

Qatar 15 years ago is very different to today. As are procedures for entering the country with no visa...

$430 Short of a Ticket Home - Rio de Janeiro 1989

5 days at the beach in Rio sounds great. But 5 nights with no dollars? An attempt to get home $430 short of the airfare.

The Scary World of the Aeroflot Internal Flight in the Nineties

Imagine the appeal of a hospital with bodies piled up at the entrance, or perhaps a restaurant with victims of its food poisoning on the streets outside enticing you in...

A Sexy Haircut in Seoul and Illegal Alcohol on the North Korean Border

A visit to Korea when working in Japan, with two missions - a haircut and entry into North Korea. Both spectacularly unsuccessful. 

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Welcome to the virtual home of The Boss and The Blogger, Paul Bradbury writing services with a little help from the lens of The Boss.

The site is a showcase of our work, as well as an outlet for random musings. Please feel free to browse, and comments welcome, even the constructive negative ones... Contact us on 

Our core activities are information websites, and for the very latest info about the island of Hvar, visit, for Split and our latest project in inland Dalmatia, 

We are available for a range of writing services. Please contact us with your requirements

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